A graduate of Université Lyon 2, France, holding a licence (eq. bachelor) in Music and a Masters in Music Applied To Visual Arts, Jeremy Wray is a passionate writer with a background in scriptwriting and script-doctoring. He is currently helping writing sketches for the collective Le Bureau, and directs his own show called Le Mystérieux Monsieur Neniam.
His degrees in music and musicology also push him to write about music, specifically extreme and popular music, mostly rock, with a focus on underground movements from the 1970's to present day. He has been a writer for french webzine Metalorgie and was published in the book État des lieux des musiques extrêmes.
He is currently writing a cross-media, comedy sci-fi series called Intercom.

Direction & writing

- 2006 - Lunch Of The Dead - Short movie
- 2006 - Le Chapeau - Short movie
- 2015 - Le Mystérieux Monsieur Neniam - Webshow


- 2011 - État des lieux des musiques extrêmes / ééditions Camion Blanc - a book by Damien Chaney, Antoine Petite et Ludovic Chaney - 22 reviews under the Chain S. Wray pseudonym


- 2015 - 21/05 - Short by Yoan Orszulik - actor
- 2016 - Fear Squad - - Short by Yoan Orszulik - actor

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